Bacterial Control

Steam cleaning

Stay healthy with clean carpet.

When bacteria, mildew and mold form, it can be costly to your health. Our professionals will get rid of bacteria so you can be healthy in your home.

Keeping your carpet and furniture safe from bacteria.

Water and moisture can cause all kinds of problems, especially mold, mildew and bacteria growth. Sometimes you can smell or see the growth and sometimes you can’t. If your basement has ever flooded or you have water seepage problems, you need to be especially mindful of these issues. We deodorize and disinfect carpets and upholstery. We use special antimicrobial cleaning agents to help control and remove mold, mildew and bacteria.

It's not the dirt you can see that makes you sick.

Bacteria forming in your carpet or furniture can negatively affect your health. You can be assured that our certified professionals have all the right equipment and expertise to properly clean affected areas.

Animal stain removal

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